Friday, January 25, 2013

Merlin: The final bloopers

I am watching these bloopers from Merlin and I can't help but laugh every damn time starting at the 6:09 mark. It is oozing with amazingness! Colin Morgan...You are the man!

Monday, December 31, 2012

oh my!

I have a former friend who is best friends with most of her exes and, not only she is best of friends with her exes, her boyfriend is best of friends with her exes. o_0

There are some really interesting peoples out there.......

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The End of Merlin

I love Merlin. It was my favorite show. I normally watch a show for a season or two and then I get bored of it. Merlin I watched all 5 seasons. I couldn't wait for Merlin to come to the US so I streamed the show. I hope my computer doesn't get a virus out of it but it was so worth it!

I understand why the ending was the ending (SPOILER ALERT) of Arthur dying. I get wanting to remain true to the mythology. But what happened to Albien? Where is this great kingdom that Arthur and Merlin was supposed to built TOGETHER where the world of magic and everyday people come together in peace? Where is that kingdom?!?! There should of been an entire season or at least half a season exploring Albien. Unfortunately us fans aren't going to ever get what we asked for, for what we longed for!

I watched 5 years to see Albien, I watched 5 years to see Merlin's reveal and how Arthur would deal with it in the long run...and it was all ripped away. As a fan I am disappointed in that. I am not surprised Arthur died, but I am disappointed that us fans were left hanging.

I want Merlin to be brought back as a mini series or a movie in order to tie up these loose ends. Please?


Sunday, December 9, 2012


It is Hannukah time and presents are distributed among the children in my family. My adorable 2 year old cousin opens up her presents, looks at the outside, spots Elmo and gets extremely excited and happy with her gift. The gift didn't even have anything to do with Sesame Street. Just seeing Elmo was enough to make her enjoy the gift. What will happen if Sesame Street gets rid of Elmo because of that whole scandal? A lot of broken hearted children who just want to see Elmo.

I am asking Sesame Street not to get rid of Elmo. You can get someone else who can somewhat imitate the voice of Elmo and the young children will completely satisfied.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis the season...

People think of this time of the season to be reserves for holidays and the excitement surrounding holidays...FALSE! It's also the time for college students to freak out because time is almost up to get every essay and assignment in before it is too late. I have 6 projects to complete in less than 2 weeks...TWO WEEKS! 3 due next week and due the week after. I don't know what to do with myself!

No more internet time. Back to work I say...back to work...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So Dull!

So...I drive this person to school once a week really early in the morning. Really early in the morning I need some kind of personality to keep me awake and alert. I can't have someone that would bore me to death (more like sleep but if I fall asleep at the wheel it might as well as be boring me to death). Unfortunately, the one day when I start really early in the morning, I am giving a ride to the most boring person I have ever met. She has absolutely no personality and is extremely clingy. She has no opinions of her own and any opinion you throw at her she either giggles (if it can be considered even a giggle) or agrees.

Is it bad to dread these things? To dread the boring and mundane really early in the morning? If a person is going to be boring in a boring car ride to school really early in the morning, I would rather drive alone. At least I can entertain myself when no one is in the car. If someone is in the car as I entertain myself that would be slightly strange...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A quote from Gaza

This is part of a quote from an Egyptian photographer about Gaza:

"Bombing here usually occurs on two phases. First, a drone fires a rocket, which is sort of a sign for owners to leave. Ten minutes later, an Israeli F-16 comes swooping over and blows up the whole place. This builds some sort of anticipation and anxiety for what's coming. Some people take cover, but interestingly most people go nearby to watch it happen right in front of them."

No wonder the civilian casualties in Gaza are so high.