Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Part Deux: My Check List

Oh my goodness! Second hurricane within 2 years! The ony 2 hurricanes I remember! And both are monsters! (RAWR!) This is craziness! At least this time I know how to prepare for power outage (even though last time I didn't lose power).

My Check List:
1. Fully Charged battery from computer taken out of computer: CHECK!
2. Fully charged portable phone charger: CHECK!
3. Fully charged cell phone: CHECK!
4. Scented candles (huh?): CHECK!
5. Nerves: CHECK!
6. My sanity....
           ....Well I am not evacuating and hoping for the best. I don't live on the ocean but a couple miles away and I live on a hill in a zone 2-3. I should be ok...right? 

Anyway, I am hoping it is just like last time (which it obviously won't be) and the power stays on again and the trees will stay upright again (even though some started to look like they would topple)...Oh the fun with hurricanes.

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