Monday, November 19, 2012

Israel vs. Gaza

I just have to post my views on this topic. I am surrounded by extremely biased news like CNN and BBC. Both stations are showing false imagery. In one video on CNN, they show an injured man being carried by his fellow Palis. A few moments later, he walks in front of the camera. Images of Syria massacre (can I call it genocide?) victims and suicide bombings that killed Israelis are being used to show the destruction in Gaza (which is obviously false).

Another image really disturbed me: The funeral of a 4 year old boy killed by rocket fire and Israel was blamed. This was during the cease fire when the Egyptian PM was visiting Gaza. Israel promised not to shoot rockets during that time period and Israel respected that three hour cease fire. The rocket that hit the home of that 4 year old boy that was killed was from Hamas rocket fire. However, Israel is still blamed and I guarantee those deaths were added to the death toll of Palestinian casualties by the hands of Israelis. In 2009 Hamas counted every casualty during that time period and added to the death toll, blaming each death on Israel. Is Hamas doing that again this time?

It's a shame the civilian death toll is so high but that can also be blamed on Hamas. Hamas build rocket launchers and stores rockets in backyards, near and in schools, hospitals, mosques and I have seen a video of militants launching rockets from a cemetery. If Israel is aiming for these rocket launchers, why are the people in Gaza staying near these areas? Why can't they escape to Egypt, where they have an open boarder? Is Egypt forcing them to stay in Gaza and closing off the boarder to feed the propaganda machine of whomever can lie the best wins?

Why haven't the people in Gaza oust the Hamas government yet? Hamas is a government that builds rocket launchers rather than bomb shelters. Hamas is a government that puts civilians into harms way more than any government should be allowed to do. Where is the 'Arab Spring' in Gaza? When Hamas is ousted everything should be solved. Hamas is the only reason of the blockade: the blockade is to prevent them from gaining more weaponry to be used against Israeli civilians. Somehow Iran is still managing to supply them with weapons, probably through the underground tunnels made on the boarder of Egypt.

And people are saying Israel is not allowed to defend themselves because these innocent civilians are being massacred? The blame of this can 100% be put on Hamas. Yes, Israel did start the rocket fire: by pulling out of Gaza in 2005. By forcing people out of their homes in Gaza in 2005. By allowing Gaza to self govern in 2005. Who do the people of Gaza choose? Hamas. The same government who is causing their own people all of these issues that can be easily avoided. Start focusing on protecting your people instead of trying to harm others. Israel built bomb shelters all over southern Israel because they knew there would be rocket fire from Gaza. What did Hamas do for their people to protect them from Israeli retaliation other than building more rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas?

Israel has every right to defend themselves from Hamas. The civilian death toll is unavoidable because of Hamas' rocket launchers and rocket storage. This double standard has got to end. Does anyone know how many Syrian civilians were slaughtered by their own government since the fighting between Israel and Hamas has begun? Didn't think so.

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