Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So Dull!

So...I drive this person to school once a week really early in the morning. Really early in the morning I need some kind of personality to keep me awake and alert. I can't have someone that would bore me to death (more like sleep but if I fall asleep at the wheel it might as well as be boring me to death). Unfortunately, the one day when I start really early in the morning, I am giving a ride to the most boring person I have ever met. She has absolutely no personality and is extremely clingy. She has no opinions of her own and any opinion you throw at her she either giggles (if it can be considered even a giggle) or agrees.

Is it bad to dread these things? To dread the boring and mundane really early in the morning? If a person is going to be boring in a boring car ride to school really early in the morning, I would rather drive alone. At least I can entertain myself when no one is in the car. If someone is in the car as I entertain myself that would be slightly strange...

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