Monday, July 30, 2012

New Laptop

I got a new laptop! Yay! I am loving it so far because the battery actually works, it doesn't 'wheeze', and it is just so freakin beautiful! It also does not overheat as quickly or at all. I am a happy camper :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rick Nash

Firstly, I am a die hard Rangers fan. I follow every game and have watched every game for the past 5 years. I started watching hockey when I started playing hockey and my style of goaltending was based off Lundqvist, with my own twist. It was my own twist because I don't play ice hockey and someone else's style in anything will never be my style. I have always liked doing my own thing.

So when I saw the Rangers were trying to get Nash I didn't want the Rangers to get him. Yes, the Rangers needed a goal scorer but at the time the price was too high and it just wasn't worth it. I did not want to see a Rangers team without McD, MDZ, Kreider, or Stepan. They are the core of the future for this team and a team can't get rid of its core. Without the future core the team in the future will fail.

Then I see the Rangers get Nash. I was like 'oh crap...don't tell me they got rid of one of these guys' and then I saw the trade. What a steal! What a deal! I will of course miss Dubi and his spirit when he played, the kind of teammate he appeared to be, but he didn't live up to expectations. It was time for him to move on and maybe get a new beginning. Sometimes a player needs to start fresh to play well and I am wishing Dubi the best and hope he kicks ass. Anisimov...not much to say about him other than shotgun. A first round draft pick is also so worth it. Erixon...he may have a bright future and I feel bad he has been moved around before his career can really start but I think the Rangers didn't need him.

Rick Nash is an excellent addition to the team and he definitely appears very happy to be here in New York. I am proud of this team and I am excited for the season to come. Let's go Rangers! Now time to get the Stanley!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bridal Showers and Lots of Lingerie

I didn't know buying lingerie can be so darn complicated!

Apparently my mom had the plumber come to my house and there is this 21 year old apprentice who is apparently nice and good looking. My mom will call the plumber when I am home next time. My mom apparently wants to make a shidduch. Not really...she just will have the plumber come to my house only when I am home and introduce me. He is apparently very handy ;)

Did I also mention my mom was asking him his life story when he was at my house? As well as my aunt when he fixed the plumbing in her house? Poor guy! Oh mother...

My mom was joking...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I am the PHOTOSHOP MASTER...not really

So...I get to my desktop publications class on Monday and I open up Photoshop for the first time...ever! I think I have come a long way from freaking out day one (couldn't understand my professor's accent and had no clue what was going on). Below I have put up something I am quite proud of. I should totally work in the fashion industry...jokes! Been there, done that (not Photoshop stuff). I intended it not to look 100% real. The assignment was to make an invitation and I had to pick from three things.

The professor typed up the information and we had to use that information. Playing with stereotypes, I am now convinced that my professor is bar? I have never heard of an open vodka bar...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh Summer Sessions...

I have officially somewhat learned how to use photoshop. Yay! I would not learn it if I didn't have to but look at society today! If I didn't know photoshop I couldn't even get a job in an art gallery! No joke!

I think I should stick to painting....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman!

Too excited right now it's kinda sad...

Today my dad and sister are going to see Spiderman and I am so going to join! I really want to see that movie. Who needs to see a movie with friends when you already have an opportunity to go with family? If I like it I won't mind seeing it again with friends...


I loved it!!! I want to see it again and again and again and again! Really...truly...again!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What do I do? What do I say?

I don't know what to do. My close friend is distancing herself because if an asshole. I can't lose another friend to a guy. I can't. 

She is making up so many excuses for him and defending him. When he pushed me she said "guys and the superior complex". There is NO excuse to a guy to push a girl! I have been around many different kind of guys who were drunk and not once was I pushed! Chicks before dicks and he is certainly a dick!

She used to be independent and not take crap from anyone and she would let people know when they are being stupid. Now she is being stupid and I don't know what to do. How do I talk to her? When do I talk to her? Do I talk to her or just let her realize it for herself? I don't know what to do! I don't know what to say...
Dear R,

What happened to you? You used to be so independent and not take crap from anyone. You used to be better than that. What happened to you? A 'superiority complex' wasn't an excuse for him to push me. There is no excuse for it but you were making excuses for Z.

It is breaking my heart to see you like that; defending a douche bag for all its worth. I wish I had the guts to do what my brother did when he was pushed by Z. I wish I decided to knee him in the balls and see him scrawled out on the floor writhing in pain. How can you side with that douche bag? You deserve so much better than him.

This is breaking my heart to see you like this and the thought of it is keeping me awake. I had to get it out and say it, write it, as the tears are welling up in my eyes. What is going to happen when you are the only one there to take his aggression out on? I fear for you, R. I don't know how to say this to you. After last night I feel like I don't know you anymore.

Sincerely, your very concerned friend