Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Uh oh"'s and Hair Metal

Z is definitely dating R. I have a feeling she is trying to change him. I have found if u try to completely change your significant other the relationship won't work. As my people would say to a situation like this: oy vey...

I saw Rock of Ages last night. It is loud, fun, and I liked it. If you are bothered by half naked women dancing sexily, loudness, or cursing and all that fun stuff...I don't recommend you see it. I also don't mind hair metal. The narrator is the best character on the show. He was hilarious! He did improv a few times. I was able to tell because the cast was trying not to laugh and the band was laughing. Yes...there is an actual rock band on stage, giving the impression of a hair metal concert. I really enjoyed it.

I went to see rock of ages with my grandparents. My grandfather took his hearing aids out during the first number. He claimed the show was loud enough without them...

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