Monday, December 31, 2012

oh my!

I have a former friend who is best friends with most of her exes and, not only she is best of friends with her exes, her boyfriend is best of friends with her exes. o_0

There are some really interesting peoples out there.......

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The End of Merlin

I love Merlin. It was my favorite show. I normally watch a show for a season or two and then I get bored of it. Merlin I watched all 5 seasons. I couldn't wait for Merlin to come to the US so I streamed the show. I hope my computer doesn't get a virus out of it but it was so worth it!

I understand why the ending was the ending (SPOILER ALERT) of Arthur dying. I get wanting to remain true to the mythology. But what happened to Albien? Where is this great kingdom that Arthur and Merlin was supposed to built TOGETHER where the world of magic and everyday people come together in peace? Where is that kingdom?!?! There should of been an entire season or at least half a season exploring Albien. Unfortunately us fans aren't going to ever get what we asked for, for what we longed for!

I watched 5 years to see Albien, I watched 5 years to see Merlin's reveal and how Arthur would deal with it in the long run...and it was all ripped away. As a fan I am disappointed in that. I am not surprised Arthur died, but I am disappointed that us fans were left hanging.

I want Merlin to be brought back as a mini series or a movie in order to tie up these loose ends. Please?


Sunday, December 9, 2012


It is Hannukah time and presents are distributed among the children in my family. My adorable 2 year old cousin opens up her presents, looks at the outside, spots Elmo and gets extremely excited and happy with her gift. The gift didn't even have anything to do with Sesame Street. Just seeing Elmo was enough to make her enjoy the gift. What will happen if Sesame Street gets rid of Elmo because of that whole scandal? A lot of broken hearted children who just want to see Elmo.

I am asking Sesame Street not to get rid of Elmo. You can get someone else who can somewhat imitate the voice of Elmo and the young children will completely satisfied.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis the season...

People think of this time of the season to be reserves for holidays and the excitement surrounding holidays...FALSE! It's also the time for college students to freak out because time is almost up to get every essay and assignment in before it is too late. I have 6 projects to complete in less than 2 weeks...TWO WEEKS! 3 due next week and due the week after. I don't know what to do with myself!

No more internet time. Back to work I say...back to work...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So Dull!

So...I drive this person to school once a week really early in the morning. Really early in the morning I need some kind of personality to keep me awake and alert. I can't have someone that would bore me to death (more like sleep but if I fall asleep at the wheel it might as well as be boring me to death). Unfortunately, the one day when I start really early in the morning, I am giving a ride to the most boring person I have ever met. She has absolutely no personality and is extremely clingy. She has no opinions of her own and any opinion you throw at her she either giggles (if it can be considered even a giggle) or agrees.

Is it bad to dread these things? To dread the boring and mundane really early in the morning? If a person is going to be boring in a boring car ride to school really early in the morning, I would rather drive alone. At least I can entertain myself when no one is in the car. If someone is in the car as I entertain myself that would be slightly strange...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A quote from Gaza

This is part of a quote from an Egyptian photographer about Gaza:

"Bombing here usually occurs on two phases. First, a drone fires a rocket, which is sort of a sign for owners to leave. Ten minutes later, an Israeli F-16 comes swooping over and blows up the whole place. This builds some sort of anticipation and anxiety for what's coming. Some people take cover, but interestingly most people go nearby to watch it happen right in front of them."

No wonder the civilian casualties in Gaza are so high.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Israel vs. Gaza

I just have to post my views on this topic. I am surrounded by extremely biased news like CNN and BBC. Both stations are showing false imagery. In one video on CNN, they show an injured man being carried by his fellow Palis. A few moments later, he walks in front of the camera. Images of Syria massacre (can I call it genocide?) victims and suicide bombings that killed Israelis are being used to show the destruction in Gaza (which is obviously false).

Another image really disturbed me: The funeral of a 4 year old boy killed by rocket fire and Israel was blamed. This was during the cease fire when the Egyptian PM was visiting Gaza. Israel promised not to shoot rockets during that time period and Israel respected that three hour cease fire. The rocket that hit the home of that 4 year old boy that was killed was from Hamas rocket fire. However, Israel is still blamed and I guarantee those deaths were added to the death toll of Palestinian casualties by the hands of Israelis. In 2009 Hamas counted every casualty during that time period and added to the death toll, blaming each death on Israel. Is Hamas doing that again this time?

It's a shame the civilian death toll is so high but that can also be blamed on Hamas. Hamas build rocket launchers and stores rockets in backyards, near and in schools, hospitals, mosques and I have seen a video of militants launching rockets from a cemetery. If Israel is aiming for these rocket launchers, why are the people in Gaza staying near these areas? Why can't they escape to Egypt, where they have an open boarder? Is Egypt forcing them to stay in Gaza and closing off the boarder to feed the propaganda machine of whomever can lie the best wins?

Why haven't the people in Gaza oust the Hamas government yet? Hamas is a government that builds rocket launchers rather than bomb shelters. Hamas is a government that puts civilians into harms way more than any government should be allowed to do. Where is the 'Arab Spring' in Gaza? When Hamas is ousted everything should be solved. Hamas is the only reason of the blockade: the blockade is to prevent them from gaining more weaponry to be used against Israeli civilians. Somehow Iran is still managing to supply them with weapons, probably through the underground tunnels made on the boarder of Egypt.

And people are saying Israel is not allowed to defend themselves because these innocent civilians are being massacred? The blame of this can 100% be put on Hamas. Yes, Israel did start the rocket fire: by pulling out of Gaza in 2005. By forcing people out of their homes in Gaza in 2005. By allowing Gaza to self govern in 2005. Who do the people of Gaza choose? Hamas. The same government who is causing their own people all of these issues that can be easily avoided. Start focusing on protecting your people instead of trying to harm others. Israel built bomb shelters all over southern Israel because they knew there would be rocket fire from Gaza. What did Hamas do for their people to protect them from Israeli retaliation other than building more rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas?

Israel has every right to defend themselves from Hamas. The civilian death toll is unavoidable because of Hamas' rocket launchers and rocket storage. This double standard has got to end. Does anyone know how many Syrian civilians were slaughtered by their own government since the fighting between Israel and Hamas has begun? Didn't think so.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


THIS IS THE WORST TIMING FOR PMS!!! I have so many assignments due this week and I am going to be in school for a few extra hours everyday! AAAAH!!!!!!! Not good...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy part 3

I am officially crazy. There is nowhere to run since the area I am in is surrounded by water and every escape route is flooded. This is going to be fun :)

I will have a beachfront property by the end of this and I am not kidding...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Part Deux: My Check List

Oh my goodness! Second hurricane within 2 years! The ony 2 hurricanes I remember! And both are monsters! (RAWR!) This is craziness! At least this time I know how to prepare for power outage (even though last time I didn't lose power).

My Check List:
1. Fully Charged battery from computer taken out of computer: CHECK!
2. Fully charged portable phone charger: CHECK!
3. Fully charged cell phone: CHECK!
4. Scented candles (huh?): CHECK!
5. Nerves: CHECK!
6. My sanity....
           ....Well I am not evacuating and hoping for the best. I don't live on the ocean but a couple miles away and I live on a hill in a zone 2-3. I should be ok...right? 

Anyway, I am hoping it is just like last time (which it obviously won't be) and the power stays on again and the trees will stay upright again (even though some started to look like they would topple)...Oh the fun with hurricanes.

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy is barreling towards my area and there a couple of interesting coincidences of this time period:

1. My friend's dog, Sandy, died a couple weeks ago. I think that it 'nough said.

2. This Monday it's my sister's friend's mother's birthday. Her name is, you guessed it, Sandy.

Bring it Sandy! I will be chilling here in my house eating popcorn and listening to the howling winds and rain. I am looking forward to have an oceanfront property in a couple days. Have a wonderful week :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I love Merlin!!!

I have been watching the show Merlin ever since season one and I am still quite the addict. I am constantly watching my favorite scenes and blooper reels. I found a compilation of funniest moments from season 4 episodes 1-11 (the video above). I love this show! I wish it came out sooner in the US. It would be amazing!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rubenesque body type?

I have been signing up on some dating websites and then quickly deleting my profile and I cam across something that I would love to have explained to me...

What the hell is a 'Rubenesque' body type? Is it chunky? Obese? Pleasantly plump? Curvy? Love handle-ishious? What in the world can it be?

I have come up with the conclusion that it is a little bit of all of the mentioned above: It all depends on the person looking. Don't get me wrong, I am an art major. I should know these aspects of art and I do know how a Rubenesque body looks like. But that is just freaking weird for someone to actually have a figure like that. Just saying.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Frustration Like You Wouldn't Believe

My parents ask me why I haven't gone on any dates from guys from my college. Let me tell you why:

I am Jewish and a large part of the college is Jewish. I have not found dates because I am not a whore or I don't wear long sleeves and skirts. THAT is why I haven't found any. Also, from some reason, unless I go up to a person to say hello, a person won't come over to me to say hello. I hate being around snobs. I hate having to go through all the efforts I go through for nothing. I hate the way Judaism is today and it has become more about appearance than behavior. No wonder everyone hates us...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inspiration for Failure

After what I felt earlier today, I felt the need to bring a quote to help inspire those who felt like they have failed.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” – Henry Ford

I have to try to not feel like a failure because there are always more ways to improve what I have, or have not, done. It is the opportunity to realize what the failure was and to start over. We must live and learn!

I am a failure

Every time I talk to my mother or am around her it's another accusation or criticism. Why don't I get a job? Why don't I start dating? Why don't I try to finish school in 2 years without taking summer courses? Why don't I hang out? Why don't I try to hang out? Why am I being such a mooch? Why don't I move out?

My mother might as well say I am a failure.

I have tried hanging out with people, but they have jobs or don't have a car and I have not had a car to use for 2 weeks. I have tried figuring out how not to take summer courses but I have to. I have tried to find a job but I am focusing on finishing school right now because I MUST be finished in 2 years. My school schedule also doesn't allow me to find a job. I also am trying to find an internship for the winter but she wants me to earn money. I am not looking to date because, once again, I am focusing on getting good grades so I can make it into grad school with a scholarship so YOU can pay for it and I can pay it off in the future. I am also just simply not looking to date right now. I can't move out because, where I am expected to move to, I can't buy school supplies...seeing that I am a studio art major I need to have constant access to an art store and that area doesn't have any in walking distance. I can't take art classes without art supplies, and if I can't take art classes I will never graduate. I try not to use your money but sometimes I have to. I am not trying to mooch off you. But I am a failure and I am lazy and I am a mooch. I can't take this anymore. If I move out I will not talk to that woman. I can't have someone in my life that is indirectly, constantly calling me a failure.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Two nut or not two nut

Randomly a few years back I became allergic to all nuts. Treenuts, peanuts, and I missed all of those nuts. Now I am only allergic to two nuts. Yay! Unfortunately, one of those nuts are peanuts and I miss having peanut butter so much! I used to live on that stuff! Maybe one day...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Stand Up Comedy Shows

The other night I had a friend doing stand up at the comedy club: Stand Up NY. It was a fantastic show and I really enjoyed most of the comedians. One of my favorite lines:

"If the guy notices your eyes on the first date, your tits aren't big enough"

The other lines aren't hilarious on its own but the comedians made it hilarious with comedic timing, making these comedians great comedians (in my opinion).

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Names and Dating

My grandmother knows someone who want so set me up with her grandson. My grandmother gave her my number and I have to wait for him to call. A few hours pass and I realize I have no clue what this guy's name is so if he calls it would be good to know his name. So I call my grandmother back...and she has no clue what his name is. It's a good idea to know someone's name if you are trying to set your granddaughter up with him.

And now that I know what his name is I looked him up on facebook...I don't know what to think...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Uh oh"'s and Hair Metal

Z is definitely dating R. I have a feeling she is trying to change him. I have found if u try to completely change your significant other the relationship won't work. As my people would say to a situation like this: oy vey...

I saw Rock of Ages last night. It is loud, fun, and I liked it. If you are bothered by half naked women dancing sexily, loudness, or cursing and all that fun stuff...I don't recommend you see it. I also don't mind hair metal. The narrator is the best character on the show. He was hilarious! He did improv a few times. I was able to tell because the cast was trying not to laugh and the band was laughing. Yes...there is an actual rock band on stage, giving the impression of a hair metal concert. I really enjoyed it.

I went to see rock of ages with my grandparents. My grandfather took his hearing aids out during the first number. He claimed the show was loud enough without them...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Do you feel it?

Maybe this is a moment of insanity. Maybe I am just paranoid. My intuition isn't always wrong. There is a 50/50 that my intuition is correct. I feel something coming. Something so catastrophic there will be no more wars, no hunger for wars, just a simple coexistence between all peoples and all religions. That moment of something catastrophic is coming soon. I can tell but what is going on in this world. Chaos is soon going to ensue. Chaos and catastrophe is coming.

I don't believe in 12/21/12. I don't believe in zombie apocalypses. I do believe that many people will die. Violence only breeds more violence. Violence breeds a thirst for vengeance and hatred. Vengeance and hatred leads to war. War doesn't solve anything but begin the cycle back at violence. Diplomacy doesn't solve anything, if one side is building up an arsenal of weaponry even if the world is telling them to stop. If that side really wanted peace and not to breed violence and, something worse than violence, fear, they would put down their arms and not start the violence! With the buildup of weaponry on this planet, there will be nowhere to run or hide from the catastrophe. All we can do is hope for survival. There is no way of stopping this cycle. No group of people can stop it anymore. It's too late.

Maybe I am just paranoid....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Update on situation with Z

Randomly Z starts talking to me on Facebook. I have to be careful with this manipulative SOB. I am not easily manipulated so it shouldn't be too difficult for me to see past his friendliness. I totally sounded like a bitch right there but this guy is extremely manipulative and is playing with the minds and emotions of two of my friends. There was an awkward moment last Saturday when these friends were over (not Z) and my sister, being my sister, tried her best to make the situation awkward. One friend ended up blushing and the other wasn't amused.

My sister said to one of them (the blushing one): I saw you with Z walking together and I saw what you were doing...
My friend responds: No you didn't (and then starts to blush)
My other friend looked down and pretended to ignore the conversation and didn't say a word.

Soap opera much? lol

Oh my dear sister...thank you for being you in this situation. Otherwise you tend to piss me off...mwa!

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Laptop

I got a new laptop! Yay! I am loving it so far because the battery actually works, it doesn't 'wheeze', and it is just so freakin beautiful! It also does not overheat as quickly or at all. I am a happy camper :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rick Nash

Firstly, I am a die hard Rangers fan. I follow every game and have watched every game for the past 5 years. I started watching hockey when I started playing hockey and my style of goaltending was based off Lundqvist, with my own twist. It was my own twist because I don't play ice hockey and someone else's style in anything will never be my style. I have always liked doing my own thing.

So when I saw the Rangers were trying to get Nash I didn't want the Rangers to get him. Yes, the Rangers needed a goal scorer but at the time the price was too high and it just wasn't worth it. I did not want to see a Rangers team without McD, MDZ, Kreider, or Stepan. They are the core of the future for this team and a team can't get rid of its core. Without the future core the team in the future will fail.

Then I see the Rangers get Nash. I was like 'oh crap...don't tell me they got rid of one of these guys' and then I saw the trade. What a steal! What a deal! I will of course miss Dubi and his spirit when he played, the kind of teammate he appeared to be, but he didn't live up to expectations. It was time for him to move on and maybe get a new beginning. Sometimes a player needs to start fresh to play well and I am wishing Dubi the best and hope he kicks ass. Anisimov...not much to say about him other than shotgun. A first round draft pick is also so worth it. Erixon...he may have a bright future and I feel bad he has been moved around before his career can really start but I think the Rangers didn't need him.

Rick Nash is an excellent addition to the team and he definitely appears very happy to be here in New York. I am proud of this team and I am excited for the season to come. Let's go Rangers! Now time to get the Stanley!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bridal Showers and Lots of Lingerie

I didn't know buying lingerie can be so darn complicated!

Apparently my mom had the plumber come to my house and there is this 21 year old apprentice who is apparently nice and good looking. My mom will call the plumber when I am home next time. My mom apparently wants to make a shidduch. Not really...she just will have the plumber come to my house only when I am home and introduce me. He is apparently very handy ;)

Did I also mention my mom was asking him his life story when he was at my house? As well as my aunt when he fixed the plumbing in her house? Poor guy! Oh mother...

My mom was joking...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I am the PHOTOSHOP MASTER...not really

So...I get to my desktop publications class on Monday and I open up Photoshop for the first time...ever! I think I have come a long way from freaking out day one (couldn't understand my professor's accent and had no clue what was going on). Below I have put up something I am quite proud of. I should totally work in the fashion industry...jokes! Been there, done that (not Photoshop stuff). I intended it not to look 100% real. The assignment was to make an invitation and I had to pick from three things.

The professor typed up the information and we had to use that information. Playing with stereotypes, I am now convinced that my professor is bar? I have never heard of an open vodka bar...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh Summer Sessions...

I have officially somewhat learned how to use photoshop. Yay! I would not learn it if I didn't have to but look at society today! If I didn't know photoshop I couldn't even get a job in an art gallery! No joke!

I think I should stick to painting....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman!

Too excited right now it's kinda sad...

Today my dad and sister are going to see Spiderman and I am so going to join! I really want to see that movie. Who needs to see a movie with friends when you already have an opportunity to go with family? If I like it I won't mind seeing it again with friends...


I loved it!!! I want to see it again and again and again and again! Really...truly...again!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What do I do? What do I say?

I don't know what to do. My close friend is distancing herself because if an asshole. I can't lose another friend to a guy. I can't. 

She is making up so many excuses for him and defending him. When he pushed me she said "guys and the superior complex". There is NO excuse to a guy to push a girl! I have been around many different kind of guys who were drunk and not once was I pushed! Chicks before dicks and he is certainly a dick!

She used to be independent and not take crap from anyone and she would let people know when they are being stupid. Now she is being stupid and I don't know what to do. How do I talk to her? When do I talk to her? Do I talk to her or just let her realize it for herself? I don't know what to do! I don't know what to say...
Dear R,

What happened to you? You used to be so independent and not take crap from anyone. You used to be better than that. What happened to you? A 'superiority complex' wasn't an excuse for him to push me. There is no excuse for it but you were making excuses for Z.

It is breaking my heart to see you like that; defending a douche bag for all its worth. I wish I had the guts to do what my brother did when he was pushed by Z. I wish I decided to knee him in the balls and see him scrawled out on the floor writhing in pain. How can you side with that douche bag? You deserve so much better than him.

This is breaking my heart to see you like this and the thought of it is keeping me awake. I had to get it out and say it, write it, as the tears are welling up in my eyes. What is going to happen when you are the only one there to take his aggression out on? I fear for you, R. I don't know how to say this to you. After last night I feel like I don't know you anymore.

Sincerely, your very concerned friend